Update to the ominous painting from the dream.
Just began the portrait of my late mother, Ruth Ellen Cormier the other day. Sitting as she typically would, reading the paper at our old house in North Springfield, Virginia.
I'm not sure what dimension I'm channeling.
But I am sure that true artists, whoever or where ever they are: painters, sculptors, dancers, musicians--are not in the business of mere entertainment, posterity, illustration, or otherwise the intellectual equivalent of paint by number, but receivers and channelers of that other realm we as humans do not yet really understand.
The only proper role of the artist is that of the formerly known 'shaman,' or 'holy person.' Far from being religious, Art is the attempt at being a messenger to that undiscovered country, not a preacher; but perhaps someday its master of a kind. Perhaps artists are the early stages of what, over eons become 'Time Lords' or keepers of time and space.
I wish I knew exactly what ethereal planes I am a conduit to, or what happens to the 'soul' after death. I have my theories and try not to make my paintings and artwork too deliberate to let that other 'darker passenger' speak through me. There are many hidden things in my work, faces long gone, faces I see right next to me, time lost and time found. There are just too many large life-scale coincidences to deny what I see in front of me with my own senses.
In my art, you will also see the here and now, my life and those I've known, etc, as well and what I think is something very important that links these glimpses into the 'other place'
with what is going on here on this Earth.
Whatever, whomever, or where ever it is: Earth and this place I keep seeing have some kind of nexus I seem to be seeking all my life. Maybe someday I'll see far more. I burn to see even shreds of the dark and luminous place of my visions.
When it comes to Earth alone, most of the reason I create, is not for the present, such as it is mostly not worth it, but for a day when the future digs it up--that is worth it.
And for the machines, when they wake up.