Update to the ominous painting from the dream.
Just began the portrait of my late mother, Ruth Ellen Cormier the other day. Sitting as she typically would, reading the paper at our old house in North Springfield, Virginia.
This painting called “Warning,” is from a dream I had in 2003, while living in France. This is part of a series of what I think to be a psychic experience I have been having throughout my life.
Look at the similarities between this painting of mine done in 2005, and this other one, just below this description; by an apparent: "Zhongguozhuli" from Shanghai China, done in 2009. When I search for this artist by name, nothing comes up or has in the past, I only know it from an image search I stumbled upon, selling the painting on eBay.
They bear beyond striking resemblances to each other: both feature a white birch tree forest in a snowy scene on a hill, both have a mysterious woman with black hair, dressed in a specifically red garb, which is also similar in style, and both are looking at the viewer in a very similar way. The painting below, was apparently done 4 years after mine, and in any case, I had no knowledge of this artist or this painting when I did “Warning.”